Synergy Cloud
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Synergy Cloud is a web-based software product that performs the same functions as Synergy-E along with a few new enhancements. Synergy Cloud will facilitate the following actions:
- Receive data uploaded from SmartMonitor infant apnea monitors.
- Provide a tool to create reports for clinician use.
- Allow all of the same scoring actions as Synergy-E.
- Provide various dashboards for DMEs and Data Scoring/Interpreting Clinicians.
Synergy Cloud is used to review event data collected by SmartMonitor cardiorespiratory monitors. This data is able to be scored and summarized in various reports which clinicians can use to facilitate their decisions regarding course-of-care for their patients.
Synergy Cloud does not provide diagnostic information (i.e. clinical decision support). Synergy Cloud only allows for the review of data.
You can access Synergy Cloud through any commonly used Web Browser. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 11, etc.
It is hosted on an Amazon Web Services server in the US.
Yes. There is a subscription charge for each account based on the number of users in the system. There will be one device subscription each for each SmartMonitor device assigned to an account. Contact us for a quote.
Synergy Cloud is accessible on mobile and tablet platforms utilizing Android or iOS operating systems.
Synergy Cloud will operate in English, Spanish or French—depending on the user’s preference. Other translations will be added in the future.
There are help screens and training videos available from every location in Synergy Cloud.
Hosting complies with the following national regulations:
• Europe: GDPR, data hosted in EU
• US: Support HIPAA Procedures
Password complexity conforms to NIST AAL2.
Synergy Cloud offers 2-factor authentications for login.
Synergy Cloud uses AES-256 encryption in transmission and at rest.
There is an audit log for each transaction in the system.
System Setup
This is a Home Care Provider, Hospital or Apnea Scoring Service. Generally, an account is at a single location.
These are named users with access to the system, each identified with a unique e-mail address.
SmartMonitor cardiorespiratory monitor.
This is a person with a profile in the system, unaffiliated with an account. Contacts can receive notices from the system but cannot access any patient data.
One account administrator will be assigned for each account. This role has the ability to add and manage users. Circadiance will communicate with the account administrator about subscription status, payment status, system status, etc.
An account can have a “Headquarter” company account identified with it. This is used to denote a corporate structure. Often the “Subsidiary” accounts (locations or subsidiaries) are used as the “ship-to” location when devices are sold to the account. Often the Headquarter account is used as the “bill-to” when devices are sold to the account. There can be any number of Subsidiary accounts under a Headquarter account.
The purpose of associating accounts is to be able to access the same case data across multiple organizations. For instance, a Home Care Company, Hospital and Apnea Center may all participate in the same case.
• The administrator from any account can send a request to be associated with any other account. That request will be processed by the account administrator of the receiving account.
• If the account administrator approves a request for their account to be associated with another account, then all of the users within either account can be assigned to cases managed by either account.
• An account can be associated to as many other accounts as the admins agree to. There is no limit to the number of associations an account can have.
• An account administrator will be able to search, filter, view and print all of the other accounts to which they are associated.
The purpose of associating contacts to accounts is to be able to communicate notices to people with roles in a case that do not have user profiles. This is most often used by doctors involved with a case who want to receive notices about a case, but not to access the case data.
• Any user can send an invitation to any contact to be associated with an account.
• Contact associations can be initiated by any contact.
• The contact will send a request to the account administrator to be associated with an account. If the account administrator accepts that request, the contact will be associated with the account.
• Once a contact is associated with an account they can be added to cases managed by users of that account.
• A contact can be associated to as many accounts as they agree to. There is no limit to the number of associations a contact can have.
• An account administrator will be able to search, filter, view and print all of the contacts associated to their account.
• A contact will be able to search, filter, view and print all of the accounts to which they are associated.
Yes. A user or contact can receive notices from the system by e-mail or text, depending on their preference.
Case Management
A case is the unique combination of a specific patient and specific SmartMonitor device. When a case is established, the system assigns a unique case number. The case starts when the patient is prescribed for monitoring and continues until the provider discontinues monitoring.
The Synergy Cloud Communication Module was created to connect SmartMonitor devices to Synergy Cloud over a Wi-Fi connection. It’s easy-to-use and removes the need to drive to patient’s homes.
Parents of infants discharged with a monitor will be asked to sign an acknowledgment/consent form at discharge that:
• Acknowledges training
• Acknowledges data will not be reviewed in real-time
• Consent/agreement to use the monitor on their child
Data cannot be added to a case until the parent consents to monitoring.
A user will be able to change the device on the patient case and continue the case.
The Case Manager, Data Scorer, and Interpreting Physician can access case data.
The Case Manager, Data Scorer, Interpreting Physician, Referring Physician, Specialist, and/or Pediatrician/Family Doctor can receive notices about case events.
Yes. It is a similar process and interface. Many of the functions have been improved through the use of web-based tools.
The interpretation process has been greatly enhanced. Synergy Cloud provides a series of drop-down menus that can be populated by the account administrator. When writing the interpretation, the interpreting physician will use the series of dropdowns and free-form test fields.
Yes. Provider Notes can be added to the case.
Yes. Parent Notes can be added to the case.
Data Management
“Uploads” from SmartMonitor devices can be input into case records with a “drag and drop” feature. There are data validation features to ensure that the data is input into the right case. You may also use the Synergy Cloud Communication Module which connects SmartMonitor devices to the software over a Wi-Fi network.
Synergy Cloud appends uploaded data to the case record until the monitor has been re-assigned to another patient or marked as in-active.
Synergy Cloud does all of the functions of Synergy-E plus many more.
The data screens will be familiar to Synergy-E users.
No, it is translated into a format readable by the software, but the patient data that was imported from the device does not change.
Equipment Management
Synergy Cloud has the means to identify a monitor’s status as either “assigned to a case”, “available for assignment”, “in checkout”, or “lost or broken”.
The equipment record identifies the case to which the device has been assigned, which includes the location.
Notices are messages from Synergy Cloud to a system user or contact that certain events have occurred within the system.
Notices can be configured to be sent to any user or contact who has a role in a case.
No. Protected Health Information (PHI) is never transmitted through a notice.
Yes, including: Compliance Report, Event Report, Equipment Report and Summary Report.
Yes, including: Case Report, Event Trend Report, and Audit Log Report.